5th Grade Weekly Peek
September 18-22, 2017
Open House on Monday Night
Our first PTA Meeting and Open House is this Monday, September 18, 2017. There will be a BBQ food truck available in the bus loop. We hope you will be able to join us at 6:30 p.m. as we will be sharing lots of information pertaining to your child's fifth grade year!
Washington, DC
We will have a very important parent meeting on Tuesday, September 26 at 6:00 p.m. At this meeting, you will receive information concerning how to sign up, total cost, payment dates, information about being a chaperone, as well as fundraising opportunities. This trip is a fantastic trip for our students and we hope that the majority of them can attend. We hope to see you there!
School Improvement Nominations
Would you or someone you know like to serve on the School Improvement Council? The School Improvement Council is a broad-based body intended to advise the principal and school, and is focused on helping to achieve school improvement. We will meet five times this school year. It is a great way to get to know Taylors and be a champion for our students. The nomination form can be found on the Taylors website or by clicking here.
Dates for the Calendar
September 18: PTA Open House (6:30 p.m.)
September 21: 1st Quarter Progress Reports
September 26: Washington, DC Parent Meeting (6:00 p.m.)
September 27: PTA Grandparent Tea (1:30 p.m.)
October 5: Skate Night
Chaperoning Field Trips
If you would like to chaperone any of our field trips this year, be sure you have completed the correct volunteer forms for Greenville County Schools. You can find these forms at: https://www.greenville.k12.sc.us/Parents/main.asp?titleid=volunteers%20.
The Leader in Me
We hope you are hearing about the 7 Habits that we are talking about each day at school! It is so exciting to see the students embrace each one of them! This month, our focus is on Habit 1: Be Proactive. This habit reminds us that we are in charge of ourselves. We are talking about how we react and respond to different people and different situations. Ask your child how they have been proactive!
This week's birthdays
If your name is Danielle and you are in Room 502, it's your birthday this week! Happy birthday to:
- Danielle D. - September 18
- Danielle L. - September 19
School to Home connection
Reading: Determining the Theme of a Story
Writing: Writer’s Workshop: Narrative Writing
Math: Multiplication and Division Strategies
Science: Matter and Mixtures
Social Studies: Reconstruction (Test will be given this week!)